Saturday, January 28, 2012

AssistantExtensions Makes Siri More Advanced And Customizable

Here is another Cydia tweak to add more potency to Siri, AssistantExtensions that brings almost similar power like other Cydia tweaks I promoted before precisely SiriToggles.

Cydia Tweak AssistantExtensions
Albeit Siri is already an amazing application that drags people to have it installed and experience the abilities it offers, yet its limitations for doing that and this inspires creativity of men to append various things that it doesn't own by default.

AssistatnsExtensions unleashes the potentials of Siri by including the combined goodies of tweaks like VoiceuTils, OpenSiri and SiriToggles into Siri.

You can even chat with Siri by using chatbox integrated with this extension and not just that, if you are a notorious Youtube fan there is a search Youtube's videos functionality too added using this tweak.

It also offers sending tweet like Sireet to keep you up with the micro blogging service. Anyway aside from spoiling jailbreakers or users with functionality mentioned, AssistatnExtensions opens door for developers to better and enriches Siri with their creativity under MobileSubstrate.

Here is a list of commands to use once AssistantExtensions tweak installed to your iPhone 4s.

  • System commands: “tweet ”, “show tweet ” (shows tweet dialog 1.0.1-4 up), “open ” or “launch ”, “brightness to XX %”, “restart springboard”, “generate a random number”, “say ”, “should I ?”
  • Toggles: “turn on ”, “list toggles” or “list switches” to get a list of toggles and their states.
  • Chat Bot: You can chat with Siri. To start, just say “Let’s chat” and wait a moment.
AssistantExtension supports any devices with Siri installed plus already jailbroke, therefore if yours are not, then follow this guide to jailbreak iOS 5 device with Absinthe 0.3.

You can install AssitantExtensions in Cydia or visit the developer website to learn more. 


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