Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Use Siri To Control Mac Desktop With iTeleport

Siri is making great buzz this week, after it's tested to iPhone 4, and iPhone 3GS. Now this voice recognition app is said to be able controlling Mac Desktop or Laptop to assist you to launch several apps verbally such as iTunes, Evernote and so on. But it needs an additional app to do so, namely iTeleport 5.2.

So the mechanism will be, when you command Siri via your iPhone to launch a certain app verbally on OS X desktop, it will deliver your dictated message to iTeleport, then iTeleport will then automatically launch the app you dictated to your screen. Isn't that cool? Sure.

Siri On Mac Using iTeleport 5.2

Interested? You can download iTeleport 5.2 app from iTunes here. It costs $19.99.


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