Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Enable iOS 5 Panorama On Jailbroken iPhone 4, 4s And iPad 2

Do you want to have iOS 5 Panorama Camera feature appears on your iOS devices (iPhone 4, 4s and iPad 2) Camera app option, you can follow this simple and short tips to enable Panorama mode to your jailbroken mobile device. You can enable this feature on non-jailbreak iPhone or iPad.

Enable Panorama iOS 5 On Jailbroken iPhone

Firstly your device must already been jailbroken. And then load Cydia, search for Firebreak app to be installed by Cydia. Once it's installed, you will have Panorama toggle of iOs 5 new feature without needing to wait its official release.

Or you don't need Firebreak, you can Set the key ’EnableFirebreak’ to YES in com.apple.mobileslideshow.plist.


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