Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How To Change iTunes Icon With Currently Playing Song Album

Change iTunes Icon With Currently Playing Song Album. Well we know that we -- as human being -- love variation and refuse the same and unchanging environment, using iTunes is no exception, am I right? Yes, you are surely prefer to see the playing song album than the boring iTunes icon while your music is playing.

Replace iTunes Icon With Playing Song Album Name

There is a simple and quick way to change the iTunes icon with the name of your song's album or the track of the songs. Simply follow these steps:

Firstly, please download DockArt, it is a free plugin for iTunes that compatible with version 10.4 or higher.

1.After Dock Art is downloaded, then quit iTunes.

2.Unzip the DockArt2.zip file

3.In your Desktop, hit Command+Shift+G to bring up the “Go To Folder” window and enter the following directory path:

~/Library/iTunes/iTunes Plug-Ins/

3. Drag the ‘DockArt.bundle’ file into that folder

4. Reopen iTunes, then playing a song, you will see the iTunes icon has been changed with the playing song album.

5. Finish and congratulation! 

Source: Cult Of Mac.


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