Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How To Fix iTunes Error 3194 During iOS Restore For Mac, Windows

Do you experience iTunes Error 3194? Here is how to fix the Error 3194. The said situation usually happens if the unsigned firmware is used, when you are trying to downgrade your iOS or simply doing restoration.

Or there is no SHSH blobs saved in Cydia or Saurik server. In this post we will follow the steps to fix iTunes error 3194 for both Windows and Mac, but it can be used for any other operating system you are using.

How To Fix iTunes Error 3194 During Restore

iTunes Error 3194

Step 1. Stop iTunes.

Step 2. Place your host file according your OS:
For Mac OS X this path: /etc/hosts
For Windows this path: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Step 3. Use your Administration privileges to open the hosts file.

Step 4. Place this line at the end of the host file:
Step 5. Connect your device to your computer.

Step 6. Open iTunes.

Step 7. Now put your iOs Devices into DFU mode -- turn your iPhone off and then hold the sleep and the power button together for 10 seconds, then release the power button while keep holding the home button up till the iTunes says that your device is in recover mode.

Step 8. Use the iTunes Restore feature as usual with the iOS device

Step9. After iOS update is done, you can remove the line from your hosts file again. This step to make iTunes properly update as usual.

Here is iOS firmwares for iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.


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