Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Malware Apps Attacks On Android Device Is Acceding To 4%

A recent and shocking report posted by the CNET that number of Android Malware infection is acceding into 4 %, this number is considered a significant percentage of ascension compared with its previous point which 1% at the beginning of the 2011.

Android Malware Apps Attack
CNET's report is based on the recent Lookout Security's finds, an Android app that deals with malware, that most of the infected Android phones are because downloading the dubious apps from the third-party app store outside Android Market. And LookOut further reports that in nearly less than six month the number has been doubled into 1,000.

Just like other mobile phones owners, Android phone owners are also  at risk of being attacked by this malware app because of carelessly clicking the links they found on the untrusted sources which lead them to phishing sites or malware.

Lookout warns and reminds you not to easily trust on the app stores and Android apps that you don't know for sure its trustworthiness, let alone clicking on apps that ask you to click "Ok," and or on shortened URLs. Furthermore, LookOut urges to firstly read the review on apps -- such as gaming, porn, or utility -- before decide to download them, as those kind of apps are notoriously known for containing malware.
In addition, people should check reviews on gaming, utility and porn apps before downloading them because they are the types of apps most likely to contain malware.

So all Android users, let's not easily trust an app you find on the dubious app stores, albeit it offers things that you desperately want!


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